JIM Mobile Born Free

Nothing holds you back!

Open your heart, JIM Mobile takes care of the rest

Jim Mobile continuously adapts their offering to the market. To end 2012 with even more satisfied JIM Mobile Postpaid clients, they decided to add 50 extra call minutes – for free!

I just called… to say… ummm, uhhh, errr…

The new product proposition includes even more call minutes – on top of unlimited texting. This led us to the baseline ‘Nothing can keeping you from saying what you want’. So we created a funny, very recognizable situation, where JIM Mobile’s crazy pony literally enables someone to say what he really wants to say.

Hitting the right notes

We had a custom track made to re-create that perfect atmosphere of romance and escapism. A good listener might hear a little tribute to Eddie Vedder’s work on ‘Into The Wild’. No coincidence of course, as that movie was one of our sources inspirations while elaborating on the concept.

Take your friends on a trip to the Ardennes

JIM Mobile sends you and 5 friends to a weekend in the Ardennes. The only thing you have to do is apply on the website and join the competition. Nothing can stop you, just spread the word and win!

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